You are raising Angelenos if...
O: We are on Pico! (this is said regardless of our actual location, but every time we pass a fire house)
You are raising Angelenos if...
1. They think a heavy mist is weather, and warrants an umbrella, a pair of sweet rain boots, and some serious swagger.
2. Someone, somewhere, has told you your kids should be in commercials.
3. You have a real love/hate relationship with sand. You love the sand at the beach and you hate the sand in your car, which makes you start to hate the sand at the beach in a way you never thought possible when you were in your early 20's and lived in a bikini, but I digress.
4. They call this a quesadilla cutter.
It is multipurpose
5. You have them tested, and find that they are 90% avocado, and that half of those avocados came from someone's backyard.
6. They have had sushi, pho, carnitas, beignets, dim sum, tom kah kai, saag paneer, and bibimpap all before their second birthday, but they might make it to college before they know the joy of Lucky Charms.
7. When getting in the car, they ask, "Are we going on the freeway?" If the answer is yes, they act as though you have stuck hot pokers in their eyes.
Are we there yet
8. They have a vegan friend, a vegetarian friend, a paleo friend, and a friend who eats KFC on the reg.
9. Dealing with a film crew in the parking lot of preschool is a normal occurrence.
10. You have uttered the sentence, "If you want to go play in the fountain at the park before yoga, we are going to have to hurry," in a Starbucks, in December, more than once.